Company News | LiveCosts @ “Digital Irish” in NYC
Company Update | By Niall Brennan, COO & Co-Founder of LiveCosts
A Fresh New Look To Match Our Vision
LiveCosts is committed to ensuring that every customer and user has a great experience while using the LiveCosts platform. That’s why we are dedicated to finding ways to continually improve the experience for our users with every release and update. If you have been using the LiveCosts platform over the last number of weeks you […]
Nemetschek Group Invests in Project Cost Control Startup LiveCosts
The Nemetschek Group, a globally leading software provider for the AEC/O industry, today announced the initial investment in the Irish startup LiveCosts in form of an initial funding.
Lunch With LiveCosts | February 2023 Edition
Happy Friday! 🎉 Here’s your monthly roundup of the latest industry content from LiveCosts.
Lunch With LiveCosts | January 2023 Edition
Happy Friday! 🎉 Here’s your monthly roundup of the latest industry content from LiveCosts.
Lunch With LiveCosts | December 2022 Edition
Happy Friday! 🎉 Here’s your monthly roundup of the latest industry content from LiveCosts.
Milestone: LiveCosts Celebrates 5,000 Projects Across The Globe
LiveCosts are delighted to celebrate this milestone, as we roll out our project cost management software on 5000 projects around the world.
Explained: How High Is Wage Inflation in Construction in 2022
It’s not just construction materials that are experiencing record inflation – wage inflation is driving up the cost of projects across Ireland and the UK.
Why Do Construction Materials Costs Keep Going Up?
It seems like materials costs are going up every single day. Across Europe, materials costs have reached a 40-year high – with many contractors not able to purchase some materials at all. During Covid, many supply companies didn’t just slow down – they went bust, and new ones that are planned to open will only […]
Simple Scan In LiveCosts
Invoice processing is a pain and more so for contractors with the level of invoices they receive on a monthly basis. Manually keying in invoice information is pretty time consuming when you also consider matching the invoice to an order, matching to a delivery and checking prices. LiveCosts solves this pain with invoice automation. Introducing […]