5 Benefits of Digital Time Tracking In Construction
Traditionally, the tracking of employee hours would have been done on a piece of paper, but times have changed and companies are evolving to use smarter more efficient ways to track employee hours. Seeing a full breakdown of your employee’s hours which is project specific can be incredibly beneficial for a construction company. Let’s take a […]
Cloud or Desktop Software For Construction?
Cloud software is relatively new way of running a business digitally and enables construction companies to perform all of their operations on a bigger scale. Desktop software is being phased out due to its limitations and high cost. Desktop software has been around a long time in business, so people are well aware of it, […]
Automating Invoice Processing In Construction
Invoice Processing is a workflow that has been established by a company to receive and pay incoming bills / invoices. In construction, due to its nature of supplying materials, the volume of monthly invoices to be processed can be extremely high and in turn difficult to manage. Manually keying in invoice data is a time […]
How To Choose The Right Construction Accounting Software For Your Company
In our accounting series of podcasts ‘What is the best accounting software for your construction company’, we discussed Xero, Sage and Quickbooks in detail, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages. Now, we take a look at how you can choose which construction accounting software is best suited to your individual business. Considerations to make before choosing your […]
How Can We Improve Construction Productivity & Profit?
With the ‘new normal’ introducing more restrictions to our labour force, we need to be aware of a potential decline in our productivity. Saving costs by increasing productivity is not an overnight fix. It requires an investment of time and resources to achieve improvements in each area to gain a result. There are many methods […]
What is Livecosts?
We have written blogs on many construction related topics in this series. We thought it would be good to answer a question we get asked the most. Niall Brennan from LiveCosts shares his view on what LiveCosts does and who it was built for. The Idea The Design What does it do? How does it […]
Choosing The Right Construction Accounting Software
After our recent podcast with Stephen Kinch (Kalc Accounting), we at Livecosts thought that it was worth digging a little deeper into this topic. Stephen has been very kind to spend time putting together this detailed blog for our readers. He discusses choosing the right construction accounting software for your business, as well as what […]
Excel For Construction, Is It The Most Powerful Software We Can Use?
Excel is arguably the most powerful product in the Microsoft Office suite, and it’s not hard to see why. With over 1 billion users, it’s one of the most common softwares in the world, and from what we see here at LiveCosts, it’s the most used free construction accounting software….if that’s what you’d like to […]
4 Reasons Construction Software Is A Saving, Not A Cost
Work practices within the construction industry have been static for many years. Did you know that construction is the second least digitised industry only just above agriculture! In recent years, technology has begun to replace outdated systems in many industries other than ours. Why have we been slower to uptake this revolution, do we believe […]
How To Overcome Construction Time Tracking Problems
How businesses track employee hours can range from a scribble on a piece of paper, to a detailed report tracking hours worked down to the minute. Being able to see a full breakdown of your employee’s hours can pose a lot of benefits for a construction business. What is Construction Time Tracking Software? Construction […]